Sunday, December 8, 2013


A new technology that I found is called the webinar. The webinar is an online meeting with your clients. This can be conducted via computers, tablets, and even smart phones. This is basically live chat with your clients providing them with help or letting them get in contact with you. This can also be used throughout a company. One can get all of the employees in a meeting no matter where they are. You can go over sales or new policies that are being implemented. Webinar gives you an option to get in direct contact and answer any questions people might have.

 This is a very useful feature for a company to have, it allows immediate contact with its customers or employees and will help with faster communication. It can also help with customer service or help expand your companies reach. It is very popular in professional services including many accountants and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Even doctors and attorneys could be able to immediately contact their clients with any questions they might have. The Webinar is a very useful tool when trying to expand a business because it allows you to get in direct contact with millions of customers with the touch of a button.

Recently I saw an Adidas commercial featuring Derrick Rose. At the end of the commercial they had a #supportDrose and last year they had one #thereturn. Adidas is clearly using twitter to help its marketing campaign. They are hoping that using these hash tags will make people more involved and aware of their campaigns. This will in time hopefully sell more products pertaining to Derrick Rose because of all of the people online who see this. They are more likely to show their support for their brand and participate online.

I think that this service causes more people to participate in Adidas' campaign for Derrick Rose. If people just saw commercials they would not be inclined to participate, just made aware of the product. But in this case, the commercials allow people to go online and talk to other supporters of the products. These commercials and many others are allowing people to go online and post on either facebook or twitter. Companies often provide some sort of benefits such as special deals or coupons for those who like or add the companies online. This is a very interest incentive program for the consumers and it is clearly working.

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